Pray for us

Hey, if you prayed for us, please let us know!  Current prayer requests:

1. Please pray that there is a 2-week weather window in mid-to late-March that allows Brian, crew, and Skagua to safely sail from Santa Cruz to Kona Hawaii.  We believe God is in charge of the weather!

2. Please pray that the 1001 + details get taken care of efficiently for getting Skagua ready, getting the house/property ready to sell, etc.

3. Please pray that we will all handle courageously the emotions of leaving friends, leaving our normal rhythms of days, the stress of so many things to do, and the temptations to let discouragement get the upperhand.  

4. Please pray that we find just the right renters for our house.

Let us know you are thinking about us

Send us an email, a text, etc.  Write us a physical piece of mail.  Eila would especially love this.  She is worried people will forget about her :(

Once we get to Hawaii, I will share that mailing address, but for now we can just use our normal contact methods.

Help Financially

We do have a list set up for boat necessities, and a couple of fun/useful  things for us humans.  If you are interested in browsing through it, I will be adding to it over the next couple of weeks.