
Published on 1 December 2024 at 14:58

As we make progress southward, here are some different things we have seen that herald our arrival in warmer latitudes.

A few flying fish were spotted in our anchorage.  At first I thought it was a slender white bird skimming the water surface but as I looked, it plop, disappeared into the sea and never emerged.

A company of frigatebirds was seen soaring above the bay.  Our first sighting since 2008.

one dead sea turtle was seen washed ashore in Abreojos.

The mountains and ridges climbing up from the sea have very minimal vegetation.

Fewer blankets are needed at night.

Sun is more intense.

I'm looking forward to seeing blue-footed boobies soon, and hopefully some live turtles.

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Kristin Thom
2 months ago

I didn't know blue-footed boobies lived outside the Galapagos Islands!